MEMORY SKIP - WHO CLEANS WHOM?,  Museum of Installation, London 
Memory Skip - Who cleans whom?
Olfactory-acoustic scenario

'Memory Skip - Who cleans whom?' is an industrial skip filled with five tons of pine-scented soap. The pungent odour of the thick detergent forces the viewer to link the senses of sight and smell. Smell is associative; it triggers memory, making our perception skip from one re-collection to another. As with 'Garlic Soap', in this sculpture Maciá delves into the psychology of smell and the mechanisms that trigger memory: across the world green pine soap is associated with cleanliness - whether or not pine trees are native. Alongside this sculpture, a soundtrack attempts to capture 'the sound of smell - Who cleans whom?' in a recording of pine needles being ground in a blender until the intense smell filled the soundproof studio to create a poem in an unusual language.

Presented at:
Museum of Installation, London (1995)

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